
Kaotican Alphabet

LIVE! Roskilde blog

Live updates and pics from Roskilde Festival

11.42pm: And with that, we’ll bid you goodnight. Thanks for reading, wherever you are. The band are very aware that they’re very lucky to have fans like you who read stuff like this.

See you next time.

The band are playing their encore. We just saw them when they came off before going back on and they were buzzing. Coldplay have had a blast.

There’s a good chance you won’t need us to tell you which song this is…

It’s been a really, really great show. Amazing atmosphere and a marvellous way to bring Roskilde 2009 to a close.

Oh, by the way, the band are doing "a runner" tonight (ie leaving immediately after the show), so don’t be alarmed if this coverage abruptly stops as we slam down our laptop lid and make a run for the car…!

Here’s the crowd sounding mightt at the end of Viva about 10 minutes ago…

The band are doing their acoustic cover of Billie Jean. Sounds great.

The B-stage section, during Hardest Part. Was lovely.

Pics from the side of the stage during Fix You, which would’ve taken the roof of Roskilde if it had one.

10.31pm: It’s fair to say the crowd are enjoying it…

10.22pm: The crowd and the band. (It’s a bit hard to get live shots, cos "the pit" is full of professional photographers with sharp elbows…)

10.18pm: An almighty roar and Coldplay are on stage. It’s bonkers out there. Pics to follow…

"Sun goes down 21.53 but it takes approx. 20-30 minutes more before it is dark." says Helle Helle who a) has a great name and b) sounds like they know what they’re talking about. We can’t see the sun, but then we can’t see much apart from dressing rooms. Ooh, but we can hear the crowd chanting "Coldplay! Coldplay!".

Will was just telling us how proud he is that his name is apparently now in a Trivial Pursuit question/answer. He’s very chuffed indeed. Anyone seen it?

Just been in the dressing room with the band, who are getting into their stage outfits (Chris is still changing, hence no pic of him…). Fifteen minutes til stage time and you can feel the  excitement building nicely (both in the crowd and in the dressing room…).

9.22pm: OK. Martin Emil reckons it’ll be dark about 10pm. Ida Lundell’s saying 11pm. Nicole’s saying 10.30pm.  David B’s saying 9.54pm. Mayur Shikotra reckons 9.56pm. And Emil thinks the sun will set at 9.52pm. Only time, it seems, will tell. (But thanks to everyone for your speedy emails.)

Anyone out there know what time it’ll get dark at Roskilde tonight? Feel free to email if you do (it’s still very much daylight now…). Thanks.

This is what the backstage catering grill looks like. Twas very tasty (although we ate it far too quickly).

It’s a dressing room acoustic rehearsal and it sounds very ace indeed.

8.42pm: Chris is now back in the dressing having had his dinner. Jonny is telling him about his quest to buy a fan (not a Coldplay fan, one of the ones which spins round, shooting cold air at you…)

Four little radio packs, ready and waiting…

OK, the good news is that Mr Christopher Martin has just arrived. The bad news, from a live blog perspective, is that he’s gone straight to get some dinner. But rest assured. we will post a pic as soon as we can.

Two hours until stage time and Jonny is in the dressing room learning to play The Entertainer on his guitar. Odd, but true.

Chris should be here any minute…

It’s Guy with his pal Magne from a-ha!

7.42pm: Roskilde Festival looks a little bit like this (it’s been going since Thursday night, so forgive anyone looking a little rough around the edges…)

7.35pm: Well done Mr Federer. You’ve made your biggest fan (Arlene, one of Coldplay’s management team) very happy indeed. The band have gone to get some dinner. Pictures of the Roskilde site coming in a sec…

It’s fair to say that the band and crew are all *very* excited about the Wimbledon final. What a titanic match!

Here’s how it’s looking on the stage (Madness are on next, then it’s Coldplay)

Here’s the wee video of the dressing room jam…

6.37pm: Guy, Will and Jonny are in the dressing room, playing guitars. Here’s a pic. Video coming shortly! (Chris is not here yet, should be here soon)

6.27pm: Chess is the new rock ‘n roll…

Eagles of Death Metal are currently rocking the main stage where Coldplay will be playing in a little under four hours. The band are in the dressing room, we’re just outside on a picnic table-cum-office which now has four computers and a lot of cables on it…

6.09pm: OK, so here are a couple of pictures from the flight. The reclining chair was home to Jonny, who caught a few winks on the way…

6.07pm: We’re at Roskilde. Pictures coming…

3.45pm: Right, we gotta board the plane. We’ll post a pic of Chris once we’re there…

3.40pm: Guy’s here. Wimbledon’s on the telly.

3.32pm: Here’s Jonny…

3.22pm: Mr Champion in the house…

Crikey, The Oracle‘s reputation appears to growing…

And all that for answering Coldplay fans’ questions.

2.41pm: OK, we’ve made it to the airport. None of the band are here just yet. This, though, is evidence of how the other half live…

Shortbread anyone?

1.34pm (Roskilde time): Hello and welcome to our live Roskilde blog. We’re not actually with the band yet, but we will be soon (we’re on our way to the airport). As it’s not totally clear what the situation with wi-fi will be in Denmark, we’ve embedded the Twitter feed above, in case we can only update using that. But the plan will be to update this page itself with pictures and videos and news and wotnot.