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Help make an In My Place Film for Oxfam

Charity to highlight land grab issues with new crowd-sourced film

Good morning. Coldplay have donated an acoustic version of In My Place for a new Oxfam campaign video, which will be created by the band’s friend / collaborator, director Mat Whitecross. Oxfam need you to star in it and help create a unique crowd-sourced video for the GROW campaign.

Because governments, banks and private investors are buying up huge plots of land to make equally huge profits, land deals are putting people and their possessions out of place, forcing them from the place they call home. Oxfam wants its supporters and music fans to unite and make a big global noise about land grabs. A noise so big, the World Bank will take decisive action. The World Bank not only funds large land deals, but also influences how land is bought and sold. We need it to lead the fight against land grabs, by freezing its big land deals while raising its standards to protect poor people and setting the example for all to follow.

So Oxfam is asking you to move something favourite, personal or familiar from your home to somewhere it doesn’t belong. Or to do something personal, everyday or familiar that you’d usually do at home, in totally the wrong place. Then film it, photograph it, and send it to them.

For more information – or to submit your photo or film – please click here.

This acoustic version of In My Place is from a performance recorded at Absolute Radio’s studios in One Golden Square in 2002. Courtesy of Absolute Radio.
